Whew...time has been going by FAST! Alice will be 4 months old next Thursday! We are getting prepared to start feeding her cereal and oatmeal... She is getting so big!
She totally cracks me up. She's got such a great personality and smiles so much. She's been sleeping through the night for just about 2 weeks now. She goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes up around 6:30-7 a.m. It's great, but sucks for me...I don't get home from work until midnight or later and getting to bed right off is sometimes difficult. Tonight, I worked late and here it is, 1:30 a.m., and I'm writing a blog entry.
I'm very excited for the holidays this year. Having Alice has made me enjoy the season like I did when I was younger. I'm looking forward to creating new family traditions and involving her in the old ones. Her face completely lit up when she saw the Christmas tree the first time. She didn't know what to think!
Anyway, since it is so late, I'm going to keep this short, but I wanted to update since I haven't done so in quite a while.
Here are some recent pictures.
Happy Holidays!!
~Mrs. C.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Picture update.
Alice has been keeping me busy!!!! Today, since I am very sleep deprived
and have only had the chance to have 1 cup of coffee, I'm going to just
do a picture update. The first five pics are from the first month and the rest are more recent. The Halloween ones are from today. I did a photo shoot in our living room. Enjoy! :)
~Mrs. C.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
She's here!!!!
So, haven't had much of a chance to update this but I will start by saying that Alice Olivia was born August 20, 2012 at 9:39 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Now, going back to the beginning of the story...
Sunday, August 19th, I wake up in the morning and get up to use the restroom, which is where I noticed I was bleeding. I realized I was in the beginning of labor and went to wake up my husband. I don't think I've ever seen him get out of bed that fast.
I called the doctors office and they said to wait until the contractions were about 5 minutes apart. So we waited......and waited.....and around 2:30 p.m. we headed down to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitor and checked me out and said that I was still only about 1 cm dilated and maybe 75% effaced. My blood pressure was high so they decided to keep me overnight, especially since I was getting induced in the morning. So they gave me some meds to help me sleep and that was the last night I slept.
The next morning my contractions had gotten MUCH stronger and when they checked me at around 11:30 a.m. they said that I was 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced. They decided it was time to move me to one of the labor rooms. When I stood up and walked to the room, it threw me into full blown active labor. By the time I got into the bed, I was in tears, begging for the epidural. I had the worst back labor and was on the verge of blacking out. Finally, around 3:30p.m., I got the epidural and the doctor gave me Pitocin because my contractions were very irregular. I was able to sleep through the rest of the labor until it was time to push. I slept for about 3 hours and woke up when the doctor came in to check me and told me I was fully dilated and effaced. I waited a little longer to labor down before we started pushing.
My husband stood next to me the whole time and then he suggested watching in the mirror. I really didn't want to, but he said it might motivate me. I decided to try and as soon as I saw that image, the first thing I thought was "Get this kid outta me!". So, yeah, I guess it did motivate me. With two pushes her head came out (and she was screaming already, I might add). One more push and she was out. It was amazing. Definitely a life changing experience and I'm so glad she is with us now (even though I'm soooo tired).
The first few days was really hard because she wouldn't stop screaming. And she wanted to eat constantly. I'm breastfeeding and I was feeding her non-stop. I was on the verge of tears. We called the hospital and they told us that she was just cluster feeding and that it was normal. We had an appt. with the pediatrician on the 3rd day and when they weighed her, she had gone from 7 lbs. 11 oz. to 6 lbs. 5 oz. It was then that we realized that she was not cluster feeding. She was starving because my milk had not come in.
The doctor told us to supplement with formula and come back in 5 days. The day after the appt., a visiting nurse came to the house and weighed her and said she had already gained 5 oz. back. We were so happy. What I was not happy about was the lack of information the hospital had actually given me. Apparently, while I was at the hospital, the lactation consultant there had made note that I did not have a lot of glandular tissue and could possibly not have the milk ducts to exclusively breastfeed. Had they told me this, it could have saved a lot of issues with Alice losing weight and could have caused a lot more issues had we not seen the doctor when we did.
We ended up going back to the doctors this past week and Alice is now up to 7 lbs. We have an appt. on Wednesday and we are hoping she will be back up to her birth weight by then. She is doing so much better with the supplementing. I'm still having issues with having enough milk but it has come in and she's at least getting some.
I can't believe that tomorrow she will be 2 weeks old already. Time flies when you don't get any sleep. :)
Introducing Alice Olivia -
~Mrs. C.
Now, going back to the beginning of the story...
Sunday, August 19th, I wake up in the morning and get up to use the restroom, which is where I noticed I was bleeding. I realized I was in the beginning of labor and went to wake up my husband. I don't think I've ever seen him get out of bed that fast.
I called the doctors office and they said to wait until the contractions were about 5 minutes apart. So we waited......and waited.....and around 2:30 p.m. we headed down to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitor and checked me out and said that I was still only about 1 cm dilated and maybe 75% effaced. My blood pressure was high so they decided to keep me overnight, especially since I was getting induced in the morning. So they gave me some meds to help me sleep and that was the last night I slept.
The next morning my contractions had gotten MUCH stronger and when they checked me at around 11:30 a.m. they said that I was 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced. They decided it was time to move me to one of the labor rooms. When I stood up and walked to the room, it threw me into full blown active labor. By the time I got into the bed, I was in tears, begging for the epidural. I had the worst back labor and was on the verge of blacking out. Finally, around 3:30p.m., I got the epidural and the doctor gave me Pitocin because my contractions were very irregular. I was able to sleep through the rest of the labor until it was time to push. I slept for about 3 hours and woke up when the doctor came in to check me and told me I was fully dilated and effaced. I waited a little longer to labor down before we started pushing.
My husband stood next to me the whole time and then he suggested watching in the mirror. I really didn't want to, but he said it might motivate me. I decided to try and as soon as I saw that image, the first thing I thought was "Get this kid outta me!". So, yeah, I guess it did motivate me. With two pushes her head came out (and she was screaming already, I might add). One more push and she was out. It was amazing. Definitely a life changing experience and I'm so glad she is with us now (even though I'm soooo tired).
The first few days was really hard because she wouldn't stop screaming. And she wanted to eat constantly. I'm breastfeeding and I was feeding her non-stop. I was on the verge of tears. We called the hospital and they told us that she was just cluster feeding and that it was normal. We had an appt. with the pediatrician on the 3rd day and when they weighed her, she had gone from 7 lbs. 11 oz. to 6 lbs. 5 oz. It was then that we realized that she was not cluster feeding. She was starving because my milk had not come in.
The doctor told us to supplement with formula and come back in 5 days. The day after the appt., a visiting nurse came to the house and weighed her and said she had already gained 5 oz. back. We were so happy. What I was not happy about was the lack of information the hospital had actually given me. Apparently, while I was at the hospital, the lactation consultant there had made note that I did not have a lot of glandular tissue and could possibly not have the milk ducts to exclusively breastfeed. Had they told me this, it could have saved a lot of issues with Alice losing weight and could have caused a lot more issues had we not seen the doctor when we did.
We ended up going back to the doctors this past week and Alice is now up to 7 lbs. We have an appt. on Wednesday and we are hoping she will be back up to her birth weight by then. She is doing so much better with the supplementing. I'm still having issues with having enough milk but it has come in and she's at least getting some.
I can't believe that tomorrow she will be 2 weeks old already. Time flies when you don't get any sleep. :)
Introducing Alice Olivia -
Saturday, August 18, 2012
1 more day....
I'm getting induced on Monday which means....one more full day and my baby girl will be here. Provided she decides she wants to come out when they induce. My doctor told me on Thursday that I am now 50% effaced, but still 1 cm dilated. Hopefully, everything works out fine and by the end of Monday, I will have my little one in my arms. I can't wait!!!!
~Mrs. C.
~Mrs. C.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
1 more to go...
Today I have my last appointment before my induction on Monday. I'm so excited that I'm so close to holding her. I'm hoping she decides to come on her own, but at least I know the process will begin on Monday if nothing else.
Today I am just meeting with the doctor. No non stress test (as far as I know) and no ultrasound. Hopefully she will tell me I have dilated a little more. I'm nervous to be induced if I haven't dilated more since I've been at 1 cm for 2 weeks. I don't want it to cause a longer labor if she isn't ready.
Got an interesting fortune message in my cookie last night.....hoping it's an omen that I will go into labor today...
~Mrs. C.
Today I am just meeting with the doctor. No non stress test (as far as I know) and no ultrasound. Hopefully she will tell me I have dilated a little more. I'm nervous to be induced if I haven't dilated more since I've been at 1 cm for 2 weeks. I don't want it to cause a longer labor if she isn't ready.
Got an interesting fortune message in my cookie last night.....hoping it's an omen that I will go into labor today...
~Mrs. C.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Baby update!
Went to the doctors today for my non-stress test and check up. They did an ultrasound and said that my amniotic fluid has gone down and is now well within the normal range.
I talked to my doctor about how I have been feeling - nauseous, super tired, achy, and just all around yucky. She thinks I'm in the beginning stages of labor and feels that I will be going into labor sometime this week. HOWEVER, if for some reason I don't go into labor this week, she scheduled an induction for next Monday the 20th! Yay! Almost done!! I can't wait to meet Alice! :)
Mrs. C.
I talked to my doctor about how I have been feeling - nauseous, super tired, achy, and just all around yucky. She thinks I'm in the beginning stages of labor and feels that I will be going into labor sometime this week. HOWEVER, if for some reason I don't go into labor this week, she scheduled an induction for next Monday the 20th! Yay! Almost done!! I can't wait to meet Alice! :)
Mrs. C.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Almost there!!!!!!
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.....hopefully Alice can too. She dropped a lot last night and I'm thinking it won't be much longer.
I was taken off of bed rest (which made me VERY happy) and I got a lot done around the house. Now I'm just waiting. And waiting. AND waiting. Come on, Alice! Hurry up!
Here's my 38 week pic....she's so LOW!
~Mrs. C.
I was taken off of bed rest (which made me VERY happy) and I got a lot done around the house. Now I'm just waiting. And waiting. AND waiting. Come on, Alice! Hurry up!
Here's my 38 week pic....she's so LOW!
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38 weeks! |
Friday, August 3, 2012
Day One of Bed Rest.
It's noon and I feel like this is the longest day ever. I have so much trouble just sitting here doing nothing. I updated my iPod with music for when I am at the hospital and now I'm listening to Florence + the Machine. I love that woman. Her voice just is completely amazing. It's definitely kept me from doing anything cause I'm so caught up in her music.
I've had a little more pain today but only when I have to get up and walk. I also had quite a bit of discomfort when I was trying to sleep last night, but that's not anything new. I have been sleeping on the couch for the past 3 weeks. I go between there and the bed and I just can't get comfortable. I'm so ready for this whole pregnancy thing to be done. I want her here and in my arms. I just keep reminding myself that all the discomfort is totally worth it in the end.
Mrs. C.
I've had a little more pain today but only when I have to get up and walk. I also had quite a bit of discomfort when I was trying to sleep last night, but that's not anything new. I have been sleeping on the couch for the past 3 weeks. I go between there and the bed and I just can't get comfortable. I'm so ready for this whole pregnancy thing to be done. I want her here and in my arms. I just keep reminding myself that all the discomfort is totally worth it in the end.
Mrs. C.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The beginning of the end....
That's what I'm hoping anyway. I will 37 weeks tomorrow and considered full term. Today I went in for my non-stress test ( which I am now doing 2 a week and weekly ultrasounds) and in the middle of the test I looked at the monitor and realized I had been having quite a few contractions. The nurse noticed too and called in the doctor. I asked her how far apart they were and she said 3-6 minutes apart. I got really excited and she was like "well, it could be that this doesn't progress". So they did an exam and said I was 1 cm dilated, and then said that my blood pressure was a little high. So they decided to send me to the hospital (where I work, mind you) to monitor me for awhile. I ended up having all kinds of tests and such, and now I'm home again and on bed rest. No more work, no more anything until Alice decides to make her debut. I've been home half a day and I'm already bored and restless.
I'm still having regular contractions, but I was told that I wasn't uncomfortable enough yet to be in labor. I asked "How am I supposed to know to come back when everything I've been told is to come when contractions are around 5 minutes apart, and I've already got that?" I was just told, "You will know." Actually, it's my first baby and I don't know, that's why I'm asking you. So, here I sit, every pain, every contraction, wondering, "This is uncomfortable...Is it uncomfortable enough?" I've just been hoping that when the time does come that my water actually breaks so I have a concrete sign that it's time to go. Ugh, I'm so impatient.
So I'm sure I will be updating this page more, seeing how all I can really do anyway is watch movies and play on my laptop. Here are some weekly photos I haven't posted and some new ultrasound pics of Alice.
~Mrs. C.
I'm still having regular contractions, but I was told that I wasn't uncomfortable enough yet to be in labor. I asked "How am I supposed to know to come back when everything I've been told is to come when contractions are around 5 minutes apart, and I've already got that?" I was just told, "You will know." Actually, it's my first baby and I don't know, that's why I'm asking you. So, here I sit, every pain, every contraction, wondering, "This is uncomfortable...Is it uncomfortable enough?" I've just been hoping that when the time does come that my water actually breaks so I have a concrete sign that it's time to go. Ugh, I'm so impatient.
So I'm sure I will be updating this page more, seeing how all I can really do anyway is watch movies and play on my laptop. Here are some weekly photos I haven't posted and some new ultrasound pics of Alice.
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Alice sucking her thumb. |
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She was practicing breathing when they were doing the ultrasound. :) |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
6 weeks left!!
Ugh, I can't wait for this to be over. I'm so uncomfortable. I was fine up until this past weekend. Now the pressure is worse and I've had quite a bit of pain (although not enough to think I am in labor or something is wrong). I can't sleep at all. Every time I move during the night, I get sharp pains in my sides. I just want my baby girl here. Granted, I won't get sleep then either, but at least I will be comfortable for the 1 hour of sleep I will get.
We had our baby shower last weekend and we got so much stuff! We are so thankful for everything we received. The party was so much fun and so was going through everything again when we got home. :)
Here are some weekly photos that I've failed to put up over the past few weeks.
We had our baby shower last weekend and we got so much stuff! We are so thankful for everything we received. The party was so much fun and so was going through everything again when we got home. :)
Here are some weekly photos that I've failed to put up over the past few weeks.
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This is the day of my baby shower. Mind the mess in the background. |
Friday, June 8, 2012
Wilford Brimley is my best friend...
...because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week. I was actually quite surprised when they told me, but I guess that is because I was naive and didn't know much about it. I thought of gestational diabetes was similar to the type that affects people who eat terribly and are extremely overweight (not that I don't eat crappy foods once and a while, nor did I have a super model body pre-pregnancy). Now I know that it is my body's inability to process the sugars because of the amount of hormones being produced by the placenta. I thought because I was already in my 3rd trimester and had only gained 12 lbs. I was good to go. Unfortunately, I'm not.
I started having to test my sugar levels on Tuesday, and then they started me on night time insulin on Wednesday. Today I started a second insulin injection which I have to take right before breakfast. It's not fun, but if it is for Alice, I will do anything.
This weekend, Mike and I are going to our childbirth classes. I'm very excited to go. It means that it's coming up quick and I can't wait for Alice to be here.
Here are some pics that I haven't posted yet...
~Mrs. C.
I started having to test my sugar levels on Tuesday, and then they started me on night time insulin on Wednesday. Today I started a second insulin injection which I have to take right before breakfast. It's not fun, but if it is for Alice, I will do anything.
This weekend, Mike and I are going to our childbirth classes. I'm very excited to go. It means that it's coming up quick and I can't wait for Alice to be here.
Here are some pics that I haven't posted yet...
~Mrs. C.
Friday, April 27, 2012
So here's the deal...
It's been super hectic lately, so I haven't had much of a chance to update much here. But here's a quick rundown of the happenings...
I'm now 23 weeks along....holy crap, right?! Alice is a freakin' acrobat and is constantly beating her mama up.
Mike is so excited that he can now feel her moving and kicking. The look on his face was priceless when he first felt her.
We are getting ready to move to a 3 bedroom apartment next week.....I also have my finals for school that same day. Ugh. I switched my schedule at work so I'm working nights. It's so much better now.
So we have been packing like crazy and trying to get everything done with one of us always working...
Here's the pics that I never posted of my bump progress.....
Mrs. C. :)
I'm now 23 weeks along....holy crap, right?! Alice is a freakin' acrobat and is constantly beating her mama up.
Mike is so excited that he can now feel her moving and kicking. The look on his face was priceless when he first felt her.
We are getting ready to move to a 3 bedroom apartment next week.....I also have my finals for school that same day. Ugh. I switched my schedule at work so I'm working nights. It's so much better now.
So we have been packing like crazy and trying to get everything done with one of us always working...
Here's the pics that I never posted of my bump progress.....
Mrs. C. :)
Baby bump,
baby kicks,
it's a girl,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
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