Thursday, August 2, 2012

The beginning of the end....

That's what I'm hoping anyway. I will 37 weeks tomorrow and considered full term. Today I went in for my non-stress test ( which I am now doing 2 a week and weekly ultrasounds) and in the middle of the test I looked at the monitor and realized I had been having quite a few contractions. The nurse noticed too and called in the doctor. I asked her how far apart they were and she said 3-6 minutes apart. I got really excited and she was like "well, it could be that this doesn't progress". So they did an exam and said I was 1 cm dilated, and then said that my blood pressure was a little high. So they decided to send me to the hospital (where I work, mind you) to monitor me for awhile. I ended up having all kinds of tests and such, and now I'm home again and on bed rest. No more work, no more anything until Alice decides to make her debut. I've been home half a day and I'm already bored and restless.

I'm still having regular contractions, but I was told that I wasn't uncomfortable enough yet to be in labor. I asked "How am I supposed to know to come back when everything I've been told is to come when contractions are around 5 minutes apart, and I've already got that?" I was just told, "You will know." Actually, it's my first baby and I don't know, that's why I'm asking you. So, here I sit, every pain, every contraction, wondering, "This is uncomfortable...Is it uncomfortable enough?" I've just been hoping that when the time does come that my water actually breaks so I have a concrete sign that it's time to go. Ugh, I'm so impatient.

So I'm sure I will be updating this page more, seeing how all I can really do anyway is watch movies and play on my laptop. Here are some weekly photos I haven't posted and some new ultrasound pics of Alice.

Alice sucking her thumb.

She was practicing breathing when they were doing the ultrasound. :)
~Mrs. C.

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