Thursday, June 6, 2013

I feel better, so much better.....

...But I'd feel even better if I could get the Doc McStuffins theme out of my head. Even while Alice is sleeping, I hum the theme songs to various Disney Jr. shows. Now mind you, we limit Alice's TV viewing time, but it's just long enough to hear Hot Dog on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and then Mike and I are singing it well into the evening.

Alice in now 9 months old and has 6 teeth. Time goes by so fast. It's so great seeing her discover all kinds of new things. We went camping on Memorial Day weekend with Mike's parents, and even though it was mostly rainy, we had a blast. That Monday we were able to go to the beach and Alice was delighted to play in the sand. We also got to go to the playground while we were camping, but she wasn't as thrilled with that, but still had fun with Grampa and Gramma Laurie.

Alice is crawling all over the place now and has been pulling herself up and trying to walk. We are in a lot of trouble once that happens. She already gets into everything. Last weekend, we tried to bring her to the lake that my family used to have a camp on, but the water was still slightly cold. She was not happy about it and wouldn't allow me to put her in the baby float we had.

I'm glad summer is here. While I don't like the heat too much, I like the feeling of freedom that summer brings. So many more things that we can do with Alice, and I can do my gardening and canning again (which I'm really excited about this year). Also, I graduate with my Associates Degree next month!!! Woot!! And in August, Alice will be 1!!!!! Unbelievable.

Well, I'd like to say that I will keep up on writing here, but sometimes the time just gets away from me. Once school is over though, I'm going to TRY to get on more often... we'll see how that goes.

~Mrs. C.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Regarding the Boston Marathon 2013

There are so many things that I could say about the tragedy that occurred in Boston this week. To be honest, I don't know where to begin.

As some of you know, I live in New Hampshire. Boston is maybe an hour and a half away from me. It's so close to home this time. I know people who live there, who work there, who had family members in the marathon. When 9/11 happened, obviously I was affected. Everyone was affected. But personally I was not. I didn't know anyone there, know people who worked there, or even people visiting.

When this happened in Boston, I thought of the families there to have a fun day. To spend time with each other. And that 8 year old boy, Martin Richard, who lost his life because of some senseless act.
I think of my daughter, and the things I want to take her to and enjoy with her. And how that could all be taken away from me in one second. I think of in a few years when she goes off to school and the dangers that are now there.

But I am also very angry. I want to fight. Fight against whoever did this. And if that means living with no fear, and teaching my daughter to not be afraid -- to be cautious -- but not afraid of living. Then that's what I will do.

I will be the first to say that I worry about EVERYTHING. As soon as I put my daughter to bed at night, my brain starts going over everything that could possibly happen when I'm not right next to her. But the reality is that sometimes you can't help even if you are by their side. It's a harsh reality but it is the truth.

The other part of this whole tragedy that has stuck with me was that photo. That uncensored photo of the young man who had his legs blown off. THAT was what kept me up that night. THAT was all I could think of the next day. And then last night, I find out that he works with a friend of ours. I was relieved to hear he survived and was recovering.

It's too close to home. And it angers me that someone thinks they can do this and expect us to lie down and take it. I am in awe of the amount of people who ran towards the site to help, and the runners that kept running to hospital to give blood. These people are the heroes and the role models of the future of humanity. We need to teach our children kindness, generosity, and helping one another out. We need to teach them to work together to accomplish something. I could say more but I don't want to get political. All I want to say is that this incident happened and people worked together to help and save lives. There were no Democrats, no Republicans, no Conservatives, no Liberals. Just a community of good people doing what they thought needed to be done. I commend each and everyone of them for doing what they did and saving as many people as they could. They are the heroes.

~Mrs. C.

P.S. This is a fundraiser for the young man who lost his legs. Jeff Bauman. Please donate if you can. His medical bills I'm sure are through the roof. Every little bit helps. Please pass it around to your friends as well. Thank you.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trying to keep up with this....

So, I want to try to update this a little more often than I have been. Once every 3 or 4 months is not going to cut it.

Right now, I'm watching Alice sitting in her bouncer, with a blanket that she pulled up under her chin, while watching Doc McStuffins and drinking from her sippy cup. Where has the time gone. She is growing up so fast. I feel like I haven't been able to spend the type of time with her that I want. I've decided that now that she is a little older and can do more stuff, it's time to start doing some crafts with her. My goal for this week is to do a print with her feet and make it into some type of drawing...a butterfly or something. I want to get more pics of these things so that she has these when she gets older. There aren't many pics of me when I was a baby and I always wished there were more. Not to say I don't have a gazillion pics of Alice,  but I want more than just her sitting in her bouncer.

She was babbling when I took this pic. Lol.

It's been hard this winter. I've wanted to go outside with her and the weather has just not allowed that. Now that spring is around the corner, I feel like it opens a door to so many activities we can do together. We are planning to go camping with my husband's parents and brother on Memorial Day weekend. I think that will be awesome! I can't wait.

I've started "shopping" for Alice's birthday this summer. I've been looking online and saving things I find that would be great for the party. We are doing a strawberry theme. My husband calls her "Ichigo" which means strawberry in Japanese. He's been studying Japanese for about 2 1/2 years. We started calling her this when I was still pregnant with her and it stuck. We actually brought her home from the hospital in a strawberry outfit.

She wasn't happy here.

Anyway, I'm trying to get a bunch of craft ideas for little ones so that I can do more with her. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

~Mrs. C.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Crawling, baby food, and teething.

Time has gotten away from me and Alice is now 7 MONTHS OLD! She's getting so big. She has recently started (somewhat) crawling and just last week, she called me "Mama" and my husband "Dada"!  I can't believe how fast time is going.

Alice is LOVING getting to try new foods. She loves just about everything except peas and bananas. She's got two bottom teeth in and is working on those pesky top ones now. We recently got her a amber teething necklace, which seems to be helping a bit. She still occasionally needs some meds, but not as often.

I'm so happy that the warm weather is just around the corner, cause we definitely need to get out and enjoy some sunshine. I can't wait to take her swimming and all that fun stuff. We are going to try to sign her up for swim lessons this summer. They have one type of class in which they teach the babies how to float and swim to safety if they fall in a pool or whatever, and I thought that was really cool. It's called Infant Swim Self Rescue.

On another topic, my job recently cut, drastically. I work as a housekeeper at a local hospital, and since I had Alice, I went to an on-call status. This was ok because I was still getting about 26-30 hours a week and got the hours I needed. Now, they have chopped all on call (per diem) hours to ZERO. Yep. So I have no income coming in. I knew this was coming, but didn't know it would be completely nothing. I went in and tried to hand in my resignation so I could work somewhere else. My boss asked me to stay. I caved and figured, "Well, if hours do come up, I can get them." So far, I've gotten nothing.

Now, 2 months ago, when I first heard that hours were going to be cut, I started planning on opening my own cleaning business. Then the rumors became more definite. Then I started working on getting it opened. Two weeks ago I got my papers in the mail saying my business was officially registered as an LLC in the state of NH. The next day, all hours were cut.

I feel like this is a sign. I don't usually base things upon "signs", but this seems to be working out more and more each day. I have hit bumps along the way, and then things out. At one point, I was like, "I've used every bit of money that I saved for this, and I still need things." Then randomly, on my last paycheck, I got a bonus from when I worked full-time last year. Today I am in the process of getting my small business insurance and getting bonded. After that, I'm all set to work.

Anyway, wanted to update on everything going on. Go here to see a great video of Alice that I took the other day (she says, "Hi, Mama" in it!). And here are some pics from the past couple months...

Alice doing her best Wilford Brimley impression.

Yeah, so I had 3 months of pics to share. At least I didn't post them all. :)

~Mrs. C.