Monday, January 23, 2012

Um, what just happened?

So I took my most recent photo (with my new maternity pants and shirt, might I add) and I feel like I suddenly got HUGE....Shall we compare?

3 1/2 weeks....pretty fairly flat...besides the fat...

8 Weeks and a couple days....definitely bigger.
9 1/2 weeks....WHAT?!
Yeah, so, that happened.

Mrs. C.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's a baby!!!!!!

I realized today that I hadn't taken any bump pics in the past couple weeks. While I was at work, I was in the bathroom and decided to look at my belly.....I was surprised as to how much of a bump was there! I've definitely gotten bigger!

8 weeks 3 days

So I went in today to have a check up because I was having a little bit of pain so I wanted to make sure everything was ok. The doctor did an exam and said that everything looks good. But she decided to do an ultrasound just to make sure. Here is our little bean!!!!

8 weeks 3 days
Wow, it definitely feels real now......I love this little bean....

Mrs. C.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

6 Weeks 6 Days.

Tomorrow I will start into my 7th week and all I want to do is sleep. I mean it. I want to sleep ALL day. Which is hard when I am a housekeeper at a hospital and all I do is move constantly ALL day. I get home and as soon as I sit down, I want to sleep. I cook and eat dinner and then immediately fall asleep on the couch. I'm just exhausted.

Today was my day off and I drove to my Dad's house to visit him before he left for Florida for the winter. He leaves next Wednesday. Next time he will see me I will be just about 5 1/2 months along. It will probably be quite a difference. He hadn't said much about the baby since I told him, but today I mentioned it and he said "It's still so weird to hear you say that." Tell me about it! LOL!

Two weeks from today we go for our second appointment at the doctor for the baby. I can't wait. The appointment after that we will be able to hear the heartbeat.

So here's the latest pic....not much different from the last. Still pretty bloated.

6 Weeks 6 Days

Not much else going on. Besides the fact I need a nap.

Mrs. C.