Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mind Your P's and Q's.

Sometimes I wish people would just shut their mouths. Yes, this is another rant.

I love that everyone and their mother is trying to give me advice on pregnancy. That's not the bad part really. It's the part when people start comparing my pregnancy to theirs, or telling me how I should feel or look at this point in my pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different and just because I don't have the same symptoms as you did or don't look how you did, doesn't mean diddly squat. Just shut your mouth and leave well enough alone.

Now that that's said, I've decided to start putting my weekly (or semi-weekly photos) here. Here's week 5 1/2. Yes, I know it's mostly bloat, but as I've told other people, I'm bloated because of the baby so therefore, it's my baby bump.

5 1/2 Weeks.
I went to my first doctor appointment on Tuesday and it went well. They just told me my due date (August 25th) and then took about 6 vials of blood. My next appointment is on January 19th and then the one after that we get to hear the heartbeat. :)

We bought some stuff for the baby this week. A bunch of onesies and a couple toys and books as well. It's so fun shopping for the baby. :)

Anyway, I should probably go get dinner ready...Will update you soon!

Mrs. C.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

246 Days to Go.....

....At least that's what my "ticker" tells me. Also that my baby is the size of an apple seed. That's actually pretty freakin' exciting. It's amazing how quickly they grow in the first trimester.

Tomorrow begins my 5th week. So, I thought I would include some pics...

3 1/2 weeks.

5 weeks tomorrow! (And feeling a bit bloated...)

Mrs. C.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Excuse Me While I Ralph.

Ah, yes. The nausea has begun. Luckily, this week hasn't been so bad, but this past weekend sucked as far as how I felt. Drank a bunch of ginger ale and had some ginger chews and I felt much better. Have had a few cramps the past few days but nothing big.

My hubby, Mike, and I are going to our first appointment next Tuesday. I can't wait. :) I just want to know everything is going ok. It's still weird to think there's a baby growing inside me. I don't feel much different.

I haven't taken anymore tests where as the last one was fairly dark. I just wanted that dark definite line.

A lot of people have told us they think we are going to have a girl. Although, I've had a few tell me they think it's going to be a boy. We decided that we are going to find out though when we can.

Not much else on the baby front right now, but I will definitely update you on Tuesday! :)

Mrs. C.

Friday, December 16, 2011

4 Weeks Today!!

Don't have much time to write tonight since I have to work on my finals but I wanted to post an updated pic. I'm a month along now!!!  :)

Mrs. C.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In Shock.

I'm still totally in shock that I am pregnant. It was way faster than I thought it would be. Doctors told us both that it could take a year or more, but I just saw my doctor less than 2 weeks ago!

Took another test's getting much darker.

We told our families last night and they were all so excited. Told all my co-workers today and my boss. It was all good. :)

I'm still amazed. Seriously. Amazed.

Mrs. C.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Positive?!?!?! OMG!!!!

So I couldn't take it anymore. The faint lines were driving me nuts. I went and bought a better test (First Response) and came home and took it. And I got a faint line....but it was darker than the other ones!!!!

This pic doesn't do it justice.

Called my doctor and they said they don't do blood tests unless they think somethings wrong. They told me because I got a faint positive on 2 different brands that I was definitely pregnant!! YAY!!!!!!!

Mrs. C.

"Tell Them What They've Won!"..

...A whopping pile of uncertainty and a side of impatience! Why thank you!

Ok so here's the deal. The past 3 days I've been super nauseous and getting cramps. I don't usually get cramps until the day my period is due and I still have about 5 days until I'm supposed to start. And I never get nauseous during my cycle. So I decided to take a test last night. There was a VERY faint line. So faint that I couldn't tell if it was actually there. So therefore, not quite sure if it is a faint positive or just an evap line. I took another test this morning since they say it's more potent first thing. And that faint line was there again. If I still get the line throughout the week then I will go to my doctors for a blood test.

Other than that, not much going on. I am going crazy with all the school work this week. Can't wait until finals are over. I probably won't be writing too much this week due to that, but if I get any news I will definitely update and share. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Mrs. C.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm NOT Stressed Out!!!

Ok, so according to some people, I seem to be stressing too much lately. I'm NOT stressed. I'm frustrated with my job and people who tick me off. Ok, maybe a little stressed cause I have school finals this week, but seriously people...I'm NOT stressed out!

Now that I've gotten that out of the way. I've had a few symptoms today but I think it is just stuff that normally happens in my cycle. Had some cramps which was weird but perhaps implantation??  :)  Trying to not be too hopeful.

Ever feel like there are some people you should have just not opened your mouth and said something to? That's me all the time! I tell myself that I need to be more private and not tell people stuff (so I start writing an online blog about trying to make a baby), but I always tell people stuff. It's like I can't help myself. I'm really good at keeping other people's secrets, but mine? Noooo. They must be advertised...loudly.

Anyway, I get to start testing in two days...can't say I will actually wait til then to take a test. Ah, who knows? I might actually make it til then......I doubt it. :)

Mrs. C.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Down In the Dumps.

Not sure why, but I'm in a crappy mood today. It started last night. I started to feel kind of depressed. Just really down and out of sorts. Then I thought maybe it had been because I was sick all week. So today I go to work and my boss gives me a hard time about my attendance. Just what I want to hear when I've had the worst cold I've had in 6 years. I was feeling so down I didn't even argue about it. Just said okay and went on with my work. In this economy I'm so thankful to have a job, but I'm going to be honest, this job blows. The hospital I work at is a very good place to work at and they have great pay and benefits, but man, housekeeping is just terrible. I come home and feel like I can barely move cause my back hurts so much, I'm absolutely exhausted, and it's not like I'm getting any fulfillment out of this work. I just wish I had an actual career. I wish I could do something creative for a living. Problem is, I have no skills in those types of things. I would love to do some type of design or photography or even crafts. But those don't really pay the bills. I just feel like I'm meant to do more. Maybe it's just all in my head and all I'm qualified to do is clean toilets and hospital beds til I retire. Maybe this is my career. God, I hope not. I'm just sick of going from meaningless job to meaningless job, never having satisfaction in them, never making enough, and dreading getting up in the morning to go to them. I am allowed to start applying for other jobs in the hospital in August of next year, but what I'm I going to do? Work another data entry job? Sit behind a desk all day shuffling papers? I hate that. I wish I could just create the job I want. The problem is, I don't even know what exactly that is.

The only good thing out of this is, maybe, just maybe, my mood swings are because I'm pregnant. I'm holding on to that at least. I've had super sensitivity to smells for the past couple days and I've had some cramping. Today I noticed my boobs were kinda tender and I heard that's a sign too. So keeping my fingers crossed.

Mrs. C.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cry Me a River.

So, out of nowhere, I started feeling like I was going to cry. Then the tears welled up and the waterworks came. Then I laughed hysterically about it. Either I'm PMSing, I'm pregnant, or I'm going completely bat shit crazy. I'm hoping it's not the latter.

I totally ripped apart our bedroom today trying to organize and's even more of a disaster than it was before hand. And I didn't do any of my school work or other housework that I was supposed to. Oy.

Mrs. C.

Sometimes, Mother Nature is a B****.

That was my first thought waking up this morning. Mother Nature can be a bitch sometimes. She's going to make all of us women trying to have a baby wait to know. I mean I could understand a day or 2 of waiting....but 2 weeks! Really?!

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system. No symptoms for me yet, too early for that. Thought I had some yesterday but it was just me getting over my cold.

I took a test last night just because I wanted to torture myself with the negative it produced. I knew it was too early but I just couldn't help myself. It was just sitting there on the shelf staring at me. So I said "Oh, fine, stop begging me" and I took it, then immediately after the results showed I threw it in the trash and grumbled as I walked out.

So my finals for school are due the day after my period's due. Talk about distractions, huh? So today I have to actually do school work. I'm not happy about that. I am happy about the fact I will have 2 weeks off after my finals. I can actually come home from work and do whatever I want! Woot!

On a more serious note, it would be really awesome if I could get a BFP (big fat positive) before I go to my families places for the holidays. I would love to be able to share that. Guess we will just have to wait and see.

Mrs. C.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

And so it begins....

I wanted to have a place to share my thoughts and feelings while my husband and I were going through this crazy journey of trying to have a baby.

It's exciting and nerve-wracking all in one. We started trying at the beginning of November 2011. So not very long at this point. But I've already started into my second cycle at this point because it didn't happen the first one. I have 9 days until I can take a pregnancy test. It seems like such a long time to wait.

My hubby and I have both had colds this week so who knows if I have had symptoms at all. I haven't taken any meds for my cold though and it has made it much harder to get over. I just didn't want to risk it if I was pregnant.

I bought the book "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and it is a really great resource. It gives all kinds of information when you are trying to conceive. I also bought the pregnancy journal that goes with it, but I can't really use it until I am actually pregnant.

I went for my preconception appointment with my OB/GYN and she said everything is good to go for us, so I'm hoping that means maybe it will happen this cycle. But I am trying to not get my hopes up. I know sometimes it can take awhile for couples to have a baby. Of course, other times it happens quite quickly. I'm hoping we are one of those couples. :)

Well, I will update you soon.

~Mrs. C.