Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's a baby!!!!!!

I realized today that I hadn't taken any bump pics in the past couple weeks. While I was at work, I was in the bathroom and decided to look at my belly.....I was surprised as to how much of a bump was there! I've definitely gotten bigger!

8 weeks 3 days

So I went in today to have a check up because I was having a little bit of pain so I wanted to make sure everything was ok. The doctor did an exam and said that everything looks good. But she decided to do an ultrasound just to make sure. Here is our little bean!!!!

8 weeks 3 days
Wow, it definitely feels real now......I love this little bean....

Mrs. C.


  1. Where did the time already go?? 9 weeks!! I cant wait to start buying you both baby stuff. How have you been feeling? I remember my 1st pic of Gillian we called it our teddy gram. So, have mommy and daddy picked out names yet? Keep me posted!!

  2. I've been feeling ok. Very tired though. We have picked out names. For a girl it is Alice Olivia and for a boy Desmond Cole. :)
