Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mind Your P's and Q's.

Sometimes I wish people would just shut their mouths. Yes, this is another rant.

I love that everyone and their mother is trying to give me advice on pregnancy. That's not the bad part really. It's the part when people start comparing my pregnancy to theirs, or telling me how I should feel or look at this point in my pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different and just because I don't have the same symptoms as you did or don't look how you did, doesn't mean diddly squat. Just shut your mouth and leave well enough alone.

Now that that's said, I've decided to start putting my weekly (or semi-weekly photos) here. Here's week 5 1/2. Yes, I know it's mostly bloat, but as I've told other people, I'm bloated because of the baby so therefore, it's my baby bump.

5 1/2 Weeks.
I went to my first doctor appointment on Tuesday and it went well. They just told me my due date (August 25th) and then took about 6 vials of blood. My next appointment is on January 19th and then the one after that we get to hear the heartbeat. :)

We bought some stuff for the baby this week. A bunch of onesies and a couple toys and books as well. It's so fun shopping for the baby. :)

Anyway, I should probably go get dinner ready...Will update you soon!

Mrs. C.